Monthly Foundation Update: October 2018

1.  National FFA Convention has finished!

361 ND Members Attended

38 ND Chapters Represented

51 Received their American Degrees

22 Applied for a stipend to attend to receive their American Degree

109 Members were paid stipends to attend and compete at National Convention

2.  Dylan Finken of the Max FFA Chapter was a National Star Farmer Finalist.  Click here to read more about him.


• President Donald J. Trump attended the convention and spoke

• Garth Brooks hosted a private concert for members

• Several of our teams and members placed in the Top Ten.  Click here to see all of the results from National Convention.

4.  Tam attended the National FFA Convention.  Andrew executed social media and messaging from Fargo.

5.  National convention social media exposure (Oct. 22-30):

Reach: 124,335

Impressions: 809,059

Engagements (likes, comments, shares): 26,023

Additional Page Likes: 53

6.  Fall newsletter is in production and will be hitting doors soon in mid to late November.

7.   260 blue jackets have been donated to the Blue Jackets Bright Futures program!

8.  The Foundation is looking for Giving Hearts Day Match Donors.  We need match donors at the level of: $500, $1,000 and $3,000+.  Will you be our first ever $3,000+ match donor?

9.  Giving Hearts Day is February 14th, 2019.  Put the date on your calendar and start spreading the word!

10.  Andrew met with Cultivate ND and Emerging Prairie on their goal to create the first autonomous farm.

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