Monthly Foundation Update: May 2020

ND FFA Foundation launched a new project called State Convention In-A-Box. Since State Convention has been canceled, we felt the need to deliver some excitement to our members who have already missed out on so much. 1,000 boxes will be delivered to members across the state and will contain various gifts (including these cool FFA shirts!) and career fair materials. If you are a current FFA member, please sign up to receive your box here!

The Foundation is grateful for the support of our incredible donors who have made the State Convention In-A-Box opportunity possible. A special shoutout to our friends at RDO Equipment Co. and Dakota Access Pipeline, ND FFA Alumni, Breanna Bregel and all of our other supporters for their collaboration on this project!

Virtual State Convention will take place on social media platforms June 1-4 and will feature State Officer retiring addresses, welcome the new State Officer team, as well as recognize award winners and more. To get up-to-date results as the Virtual Convention week goes on, visit our page!

Foundation Intern, Emma Maddock, started on May 26th. We are excited to have her as part of our team, and look forward to what this summer will bring. To learn more about Emma, click here. Welcome, Emma!

The Foundation-Alumni Auction, originally set to take place during State Convention week, will be postponed until a later date. With that being said, we are still gathering items to include at the auction, and would love for you to be a part of it! If you have an item/service/other that you would like to include in the auction, please fill out this form!

With everything that has been going on in the world today, the Foundation sure is grateful for our friends and supporters during these strange times (and always!). We appreciate all of you keeping ND FFA in mind, and the support we receive sure is appreciated. If you would like to continue this support, please click here. We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and look forward to brighter days ahead!